Welcome to Online Casino King! Tunzamunni is one of the top progressive games on the Microgaming platform with great action and big jackpots. - Spin for the progressive ackpot, or try other games like King Cashalot, The Lord of The Rings, Thunderstruck II, or all time classics like Hitman and Tomb Raider.
Tunzamunni, Tunsamoney, Tons of Money……..get it? No? Don’t worry, neither did we for a while!
The Tunzamunni Slot Machine is one of the most popular progressive slots on the internet. If you like your slots simple, but still wnat to go after some monster progressive jackpots- this could be the slot for you.
Tunzamunni is a 3-reel progressive slot game by Microgaming, the leading casino games developer. This is a simple old skool slot game with one payline with a five-coin maximum bet. There is also a fixed coin size of .05.
Tunzamunni has no wilds, and only 2 kinds of symbols – Sevens and Bars. They have to line then up on the payline to win. Beautifully simple!
In Tunzamunni, you can play in Regular Mode or Expert Mode, which allows you to play in AutoPlay.
Not everyone wants a 15 payline 5 reel slot. life´s already complicated, right? And if you like things simple, this slot will be right up your street. It comes down to one thing and one thing only- are you going to win that big jackpot?
Tunzamunni is a progressive slot, so the jackpot builds and build each time a bet is made across the network. The jackpots arené on the mega scale of, say Mega Moolah or Beach life on Playtech, but they regularly get into the hundreds of thousands.
There is 1 coin size in Tunzamunni: 0.05, and a 5-coin limit, so the max bet 25 units. Click the “Bet Max” button for a shortcut to betting to the max (which you´ll need to do to play the progressive).
Break out the champagne if you land a red, white and blue “7” symbol across the payline.