Welcome to Online Casino King's Playtech slots bonus page! Some of our favourite slots are on the Playtech games platform: classics like Frankie Dettori's slot, Rocky, Spiderman and Take 5 Million. We've compiled a list of 7 Bumper Offers for you to tak a look at. Choose a bonus, grab and offer and play!
Playtech slots used to be constantly playing catch up to other games developers in the online casino world. Well, that is no longer the case. They now have a suite of slot games that is the envy of other platforms.
The Marvel range, is perhaps the most famous, with titles such as The Hulk, Fantastic Four and Iron Man being firm favourites with slots fans (this range has just been expanded to include Wolverine).
We’d also recommend The Pink Panther slot, Rocky, Lucky Panda and Queen of the Pyramids.
For progressive jackpots, go for Beach Life and Gold Rally or try some of their TV themed games such as The Six Million Dollar Man Slot.
Whichever game you choose- remember to play responsibly. Test the games out for free before you bet for real. Good luck!